
Call Center Solutions

In this day and age the Call Center can be the heartbeat of the Corporation. A well equipped and prepared Call Center can handle client inquiries, perform direct sales, provide help desk advice and solutions for known problems, track complaints, and assist in marketing plans and promotions.

Core Features Custom Features
Cost Effective Ready-to-Use Telephony
Statistics WEB Enabler
Sales Orders Direct Faxing
Inventory Control WEB Server
Track Complaints Client / Server
  System Integration

Contact Management

 Solutions and Advice

Purchase Information

CallBase Static Demo

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All incoming inquires are tracked through the Statistics Module. It holds general statistical data on the number of inquiries handled by the call center. It is categorized by various criteria including :

  • Source Medium
  • Telephone Number
  • Region
  • Language
  • Promotional Campaign
  • Complaints - both Type and Response / Follow-up
  • This Module also has a full slate of reports for management.

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Sales Orders

Many inquiries result in an order for a product. The type of information held in the Sales Order Module includes; Shipping and Billing address, Products Ordered, Method of Shipment, and Payment.

This module is accompanied by a Shipping Module, to enable the processing of individual or batch orders at a local or remote warehouse.

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Inventory Control

The main features of this module include; Quantity On Hand, Shipping and Receiving, Two Warehouses, Critical Re-order levels, Back Order, Cost of Goods, and various Retail Sales pricing possibilities.

This module can also be used to publish product catalogues for various mediums, such as books, faxes, WEB pages and other reporting criteria.

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Tracking Complaints

Complaints can be tracked in the statistics module and the solutions the customers seek can be stored in the Solutions, Advice, and Reference Module. References to a database of solutions for client advising and soft sales can also be tracked.

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Solutions and Advice

All customer Questions can be tracked and referred to an expert or put on a follow up list until the Answer has been found and communicated to the customer. The Q & A approach also builds a natural database of solutions for customers. Callbase puts these answers at the fingertips of the Call Center operator.

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Contact Management

This module holds client names, addresses and products ordered. It also has multiple mailing list coding, parent company alternate address, and security features. The Contact Management Module comes with a powerful Query and Reporting Module .

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The Statistics Module can be enhanced to work with the most popular Computer Telephone Interface (CTI) servers.

The Inventory and Solutions Module of products and publications can be enhanced with direct faxing and E-mail distribution on product and company data.

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WEB Enabler

The Inventory Module of products and publications can be enhanced to automatically feed a WEB page of product offerings.

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WEB Server

The entire application can be enhanced to act as a WEB Server, handling incoming calls from the Internet with virtual order taking.

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Client / Server

All modules will run on Windows 3.1, Windows for Work Groups, Windows NT, WIN 95, OS/2 and Macintosh system 6 or higher. Workstations require a minimum of 8 megabytes of RAM.

The program is multiuser ready. It runs on various popular LANs, such as NT, PC-NFS, UNIX, or Novell, and can be activated for Client/Server, to work on various database engines, such as Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, and Informix.

With SQL capabilities enabled, some or all modules can be easily connected to existing corporate data.

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System Integration

All the Core and Customized modules are written in Omnis7. It is an off-the-shelf 4th generation programming language that provides cross platform capabilities, and an easy to learn programming language that can be supported in house.

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Cost Effective / Ready to Use

Extensive savings can be realized by using off-the-shelf ready to use software solutions, and connecting them to existing corporate databases.

The CallBase modules are industry tested with over 10 years of expertise and experience built in.

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Contact Information

Call Center Solutions

For more information contact
CallBase Technologies
Nortak Software Ltd.
(888) 222-3056

Email Us!

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This WebPage was last updated June 6, 2000

All third party products mentioned are registered trade marks of their respective vendors.